Today, Akire designs continues to draw from the wellspring of tradition and stands firmly grounded while embracing the present; guided by the elements of Earth and Water.
While the past is etched in the elements of fire and air, the present does unfold through the themes of earth and water, embracing the ongoing evolution of our Akire creations and in celebration of where we stand today, rooted in tradition yet unafraid to explore new horizons.
Earth signifies the raw materials we source with care and respect for the environment. Each piece of leather, every natural dye, and all the organic materials we use are chosen to reflect our dedication to sustainability. By grounding our creations in the principles of responsible sourcing, we honour the earth that sustains us.
The earth provides the raw material-luxurious leather sourced by our team from the local farmers or small scale leather factories
and we fulfil the old traditional ways of tanning leather using the bark of trees.
Our bags are crafted with materials that honour the earth, our ancestor’s way of respecting nature, and preserving a dying craft; reflecting our commitment to sustainability and the natural world.
Each piece is a proof of attention to detail, grounded in the rich soils of tradition and nourished by the waters of innovation.
Water, ever-adaptive and life-giving, symbolises our present-day approach to design.